Z6 Thalassemia in Pregnancy

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Beta Thalassemia

Z6 Thalassemia in Pregnancy

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1. Q9 Thalassemia
A primigravida at 12 weeks gestation is a case of Thalassemia Major. She underwent splenectomy as a child and is on regular penicillin prophylaxis. Her lab results are as follows-
Haemoglobin- 10.1 gm/dL
White cell count- 9,000 /microlitre
Platelet count – 650 x 10^9/l

What will be the recommendation for thromboprophylaxis during pregnancy in this case?

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2. Q8 Beta thalassemia

A woman with beta thalassemia major, at 25 week pregnancy presents with palpitations. she is on regular transfusions and her Haemoglobin is 9 gm/dL. Which of the following will be the next most appropriate step?

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