This is a Spinal Emergency.
Though not encountered very often in Obstetrics and Gynecology, the ObGyn should know the Red Flags.
According to the British Association of Spine Surgeons-
A patient presenting with back pain and/or sciatic pain with any disturbance of their bladder or bowel function and/or saddle or genital sensory disturbance or bilateral leg pain should be suspected of having a threatened or actual CES.
In 2018, the NICE released a list of Red Flags which could indicate Cauda Equina Syndrome. These Signs and Symptoms can include-
• Sciatica in both legs
• Anal and/or buttock numbness
• Loss of sensation between the legs (saddle anaesthesia)
• motor weakness, sensory loss or pain in both legs
• bladder retention and/or incontinence
• bowel disturbance/incontinence
If Cauda Equina Syndrome is suspected, an urgent MRI of the spine should be done.
Claire Cesa, CC BY-SA 4.0