Puberty is the transition from childhood to adult life. Onset- Pulsatile GnRH “nocturnal LH, FSH, estradiol. Puberty normally starts from the ageof 10 years till 13-14 years .

Tanner stages are used to describe the stages of puberty In Girls , breast budding is the first sign of puberty .
Precocious puberty is defined as the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics before the age of 8 years in girls and 9 years in boys.
Precocious puberty has been divided into two categories:
gonadotrophin-dependent puberty/Central
gonadotrophin-independent puberty/peripheral
Gonadotrophin-dependent puberty occurs when the HPG axis is prematurely activated.

 In Peripheral precocious puberty, HPG axis is not involved.

Central Precocious PubertyPeripheral Precocious Puberty
Central precocious puberty
Peripheral precocious puberty
Idiopathic (74%)
Central nervous system pathology/lesion
– Hypothalamic hamartoma
– Tumour: astrocytoma, glioma, craniopharyngioma, pituitary adenoma
– Congenital disorder: hydrocephalus, myelomeningocele, arachnoid cyst
-Acquired: central nervous system irradiation, post head trauma, post infection: encephalitis/meningitis, chemotherapy
Estrogen-secreting: granulosa cell tumour, functional ovarian cyst
-Androgen-secreting: Sertoli–Leydig cell tumour, arrhenoblastoma (contrasexual)
– Adrenal cause
– Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (contrasexual)
– Cushing syndrome (contrasexual)
– Neoplasm: estrogen or androgen-secreting adenoma/carcinoma (isosexual or contrasexual)
– Exogenous sex hormones: e.g. oral contraceptives, skin cream, anabolic steroid
– McCune Albright syndrome
– Severe longstanding hypothyroidism
Causes of precocious Puberty

Problems to children with Precocious Puberty


Psychological difficulties, Behavioral problems , emotional problems. Bone maturation is accelerated – so adult height is reduced.

-Age of onset, Sequence of chhanges
Family history
Neurological symptoms
Use of any drugs
EXMAINATION- Height, weight, BMI, Tanner staging, Neurological exam, Visual field testing
Skin examination
Abdominal examination
Examination of external Genitalia
Signs of virilization
IMAGING- Left wrist X-ray for bone age
– Pelvic ultrasound (size, shape of uterus, endometrial thickness and ovarian morphology)
– Cranial CT or MRI
-CT adrenals (adrenal masses)
-Skeletal survey/bone scan
TREATMENT- Directed at the underlying cause.
Goals of treatment- halt or cause regression of secondary sexual characteristics
prevent early menarche retard skeletal maturation and
improve final height avoid psychosocial/behavioural sequelae.

Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone analogues (GnRHa) are the mainstay of treatment.

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