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Question Bank

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1. Q3 VTE Prevention

A pregnant woman is on long term oral anticoagulation due to previous history of pulmonary embolism. She reports to the maternity triage in early labor. She plans to get epidural analgesia. What is the recommended thromboprophylaxis in peripartum period for women with very high risk of thrombosis?

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2. A woman presents presents for her routine anomaly scan.

Ultrasound shows placenta 1 cm from internal os. You inform her that the placenta is low lying. When will her follow up scan be scheduled.

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3. Q1 PPH

Treatment of antenatal anemia may reduce the morbidity associated with PPH.

What is the normal UK Range for Haemoglobin in pregnancy  ?

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4. Q2 Third Stage of Labor- Check all that apply to physiological Management of Third Stage of labor-

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5. Q9 Breast Cancer in Pregnancy

What is the recommendation regarding the time interval between chemotherapy and delivery?

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6. q6 Urinary Incontinence

A 36 years old, Para 2, presents with stress urinary incontinence. She has been doing Supervised Pelvic floor muscle training ( PFMT ) for 6 weeks and is not getting any relief. Her BMI is 31. What advice would you give her ( Tick all that apply)

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7. Q3 VBAC

About what percent of women scheduled for ERCS( Elective Repeat Caesarean Section)  go into labour before 39+0 weeks?

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8. Q5 Placenta Praevia

What is the recommended time of delivery in cases of Asymptomatic Placenta Praevia with no history of bleeding?

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9. Q5 VBAC

What is the rate of instrumental delivery in VBAC?

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10. Q7 VTE- Acute Management

Of the following, which tests would you do first in a woman presenting with symptoms and signs of an acute PE ?


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