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Question Bank

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1. Q3 Breast Cancer in Pregnancy

How should women presenting with a breast lump during pregnancy be managed?

Check ALL the initial steps of management-




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2. Q8 VBAC

What are the precautions/ steps to be taken during the labor of a woman with previous 1 LSCS? ( Select all that apply)

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3. q3 Urinary Incontinence

For a minimum of how many days should a bladder diary be maintained by women with women with urinary
incontinence or overactive bladder?

4 / 10

4. Q2 Breast Cancer in Pregnancy


What is the consensus regarding the effect of pregnancy on Breast Cancer?

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5. What should be the source of Fibrinogen replacement during ongoing PPH( Postpartum Haemorrhage) ?

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6. Q 16 OASIS

Which suture material should be used to repair the Internal anal sphincter and external anal sphincter? There may be more than one correct answers-

7 / 10

7. q18 What is the recommended technique for a Full thickness External Anal Sphincter tear ?

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What is the role of 'warm compresses' on the perineum in the second stage of labor for the prevention of Third and Fourth degree perineal tears ?

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9. Q7 VTE- Acute Management

Of the following, which tests would you do first in a woman presenting with symptoms and signs of an acute PE ?


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10. Q3 VTE Prevention

A pregnant woman is on long term oral anticoagulation due to previous history of pulmonary embolism. She reports to the maternity triage in early labor. She plans to get epidural analgesia. What is the recommended thromboprophylaxis in peripartum period for women with very high risk of thrombosis?

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