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Contraception after 40 

Z2 Contraception after 40

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1. Q3 Contraception after 40

A woman at age 41 received a Copper IUCD Cu T 380  for contraception. She continues to get menses till age 51. Now 6 months after her last period, she says that because the menses have stopped, she no longer needs the IUCD as a contraceptive.   What is your advice for her?

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2. Q4 Contraception after 40

A woman at age 41 received Copper T 380 A for contraception. Her last menstrual period was at age 48. Now, 6 months after her LMP, she comes to get the IUCD removed. She says that because her menses have stopped, she no longer needs contraception. What is your advice to her ?

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