Today’s Quiz 30/12/2021

Unfractionated heparin put the patient at risk of Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia.
What is the frequency and duration of checking of platelet count in a patient who is receiving unfractionated heparin?

Created by obgresourceobgresource

z5 VTE-Acute Management

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1. Q6 VTE-Acute Management-

A 32 years old lady who had recurrent DVT , and delivered by caesarean section is on Unfractionated Heparin.How frequently should platelet count be monitored in patients on UFH(unfractionated Heparin) ?

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2. Q5 VTE-Acute management


A 32 years old lady who had recurrent DVT , and delivered by caesarean section yesterday , is on Unfractionated Heparin.

What is the DURATION  for which should platelet count  should be monitored in patients on UFH(unfractionated Heparin) ?

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