Today’s Quiz 21/12/2021

Q3 VTE Prevention

A pregnant woman is on long term oral anticoagulation due to previous history of pulmonary embolism. She reports to the maternity triage in early labor. She plans to get epidural analgesia. What is the recommended thromboprophylaxis in peripartum period for women with very high risk of thrombosis?

A. Unfractionated Heparin
B. Low Molecular Weight Heparin
C. Dalteparin
D. To stop any form of heparin, and start intermittent pneumatic compression devices or similar device.

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Z3 VTE Prevention

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1. Q3 VTE Prevention

A pregnant woman is on long term oral anticoagulation due to previous history of pulmonary embolism. She reports to the maternity triage in early labor. She plans to get epidural analgesia. What is the recommended thromboprophylaxis in peripartum period for women with very high risk of thrombosis?

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2. Q4 VTE Prevention

Warfarin use in pregnancy is associated with embryopathy. Therefore , heparin is considered the preferred thromboprophylaxis in pregnancy.  In which of the following cases, is  warfarin still used for thromboprophylaxis , in preference to low molecular weight heparin?

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