Today’s Quiz 20/12/2021

A woman with history of deep vein thrombosis is on prophylactic dose of  Low molecular weight heparin( LMWH) . At 38 week’s gestation, she is planned for elective Lower Segment Cesarean section under Spinal Anesthesia. The LSCS is scheduled for 7 AM tomorrow morning. When should be her last dose of LMWH?

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A. Amniotic fluid embolism I. Placental abruption
B. Cardiomyopathy J. Placenta praevia
C. Chest infection K. Pulmonary embolism
D. CVA L. Pulmonary hypertension
E. Endocarditis M. Sepsis
F. Haemorrhage N. Substance misuse
G. HELLP syndrome O. Thromboembolism
H. Myocardial infarction

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1. A previously healthy 18-year-old primigravida presents at 36 weeks feeling unwell and tired. Her brother died unexpectedly aged 19 years. Her CXR showed an enlarged heart. While being admitted she developed increasing shortness of breath and died despite intensive resuscitation.

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