Today’s Quiz 19/12/2021

A 30 years old primigravida reports to the Booking Clinic. She had Deep vein thrombosis 2 years ago, and received anticoagulation for 6 months afterwards. She has no other medical conditions. There is no history of any major surgery. Her BMI is 24. Will she need thromboprophylaxis during or after pregnancy? 
A. No thromboprophylaxis required
B. Thromboprophylaxis is required from 28 weeks and will continue postpartum.
C. Thromboprophylaxis should be started immediately.
D. Thromboprophylaxis is required if she is admitted to the hospital

Created by megha mishraobgninja

Z1 VTE Prevention GTG 37 a

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1. Q1 VTE Prevention- A 30 years old primigravida reports to the Booking Clinic. She had Deep vein thrombosis 2 years ago, and received anticoagulation for 6 months afterwards. She has no other medical conditions. Her BMI is 24. There is no history of any major surgery. Will she need thromboprophylaxis during or after pregnancy?

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