Today’s Quiz 16/12/2021

The RCOG guideline recommends the use of intravenous oxytocin to reduce the risk of PPH at the time of Caesarean Section. In women at increased risk of PPH, what else should be used to reduce the risk of bleeding?
A. Intramuscular Ergometrine
B. Intramuscular Oxytocin
C. Intramuscular Carbetocin
D. Intravenous Tranexamic acid
E. Intramuscular Syntometrine( Oxytocin+ergometrine)

Created by megha mishraobgninja


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1. Q5 PPH


The RCOG guideline recommends the use of intravenous oxytocin to reduce the risk of PPH at the time of Caesarean Section. In women at increased risk of PPH, what else should be used to reduce the risk of bleeding?

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