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Challenge 1

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1. Q5 Placenta Praevia

What is the recommended time of delivery in cases of Asymptomatic Placenta Praevia with no history of bleeding?

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2. Q3 Placenta Praevia

A woman presents at 18 weeks pregnancy for ultrasound scan.  On ultrasound, the placenta appears to be low lying. A transvaginal ultrasound confirms that the lower edge of the placenta is 3 cm from internal os. What is the diagnosis?

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3. Q6 GBS

Screening women late in pregnancy can accurately predict which babies will develop GBS Sepsis

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4. Q9 Breast Cancer in Pregnancy

What is the recommendation regarding the time interval between chemotherapy and delivery?

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5. Q3 Anti D

An Rh negative woman presents to the maternity ward with a complaint of mild vaginal bleeding. She is 23 weeks pregnant.
A test of Fetomaternal haemorrhage is required before giving Anti D to this woman-

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6. Q5 Anti D

A hospital has a policy of administering inj Anti D 1500 IU to all previously non sensitized Rh negative women where the fetus is expected to be Rh positive.   A woman presented at 26 weeks with Antepartum Haemorrhage and inj Anti D 500 IU was administered to her at that time. Now the bleeding has stopped. A Kleihauer Test confirmed that no more anti D is required.  What will be recommedation regarding the Anti D which was to be administered at 28 weeks ?

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7. Q2 VBAC

Risk of uterine rupture in VBAC with previous 1 LSCS

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8. Q4 GBS
A woman at 35 weeks gestation presents with labor like pains. On examination- the presentation is cephalic ; cervix is 6 cm dilated, fully effaced, membranes are intact. She does not have GBS screening result. You call the hospital laboratory and you find that the result of Group B streptococcus screening will be available after 2 days, but a PCR test result can be released after 3 hours. What should be done to prevent GBS infection of the neonate? ( Refer to RCOG Guidelines)

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9. Q1 Cord prolapse

Cord presentation is when the cord is present below the fetal presenting part but has not come out of the cervix, and the membranes have ruptured -

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10. Q6 Anti D

An Rh negative , 26 years old , non pregnant woman with a platelet count of
15000/mm3 (Normal 150,000 to 450,000 /mm3) was given a platelet transfusions- six adult doses of D positive platelets over 4 weeks. Her latest platelet count is 15,000 / mm3. What will the recommendation regarding administration of Inj Anti D? ( Check ALL that apply)



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11. Q1 Breast Cancer in Pregnancy


What is the lifetime risk of getting breast cancer in UK Women ?

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12. Q3 VBAC

About what percent of women scheduled for ERCS( Elective Repeat Caesarean Section)  go into labour before 39+0 weeks?

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13. Q7 GBS
A G2P1L1  woman had GBS Colonisation in her previous pregnancy, but her baby did not develop GBS Infection.
What is the likelihood of her having GBS colonization in this pregnancy?

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14. Q1 Anti D

Check the conditions in which you would NOT prescribe injection Anti D to a Rh negative woman at less than 12 weeks gestation( Refer to the BCSH Guideline) .

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15. Q12 GBS

A patient presents to the A&E at 11 PM. She is 35 weeks pregnant. You find that she has not been screened for GBS and decide to take a vaginal and rectal swab. The microbiology lab is closed right now. Where and how will the swab be stored and transported?

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