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Challenge 1

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1. Q2 GBS

When should screening for Group B Streptococcus be done in pregnant women with twin pregnancy?

2 / 15

2. A woman presents presents for her routine anomaly scan.

Ultrasound shows placenta 1 cm from internal os. You inform her that the placenta is low lying. When will her follow up scan be scheduled.

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3. Q5 Placenta Praevia

What is the recommended time of delivery in cases of Asymptomatic Placenta Praevia with no history of bleeding?

4 / 15

4. Q6 Third Stage of Labor -Which interventions have been shown to reduce the risk of PPH ( Check all that apply)

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5. Q1 Anti D

Check the conditions in which you would NOT prescribe injection Anti D to a Rh negative woman at less than 12 weeks gestation( Refer to the BCSH Guideline) .

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6. Q6 Placenta Praevia

A patient with placenta accreta was delivered by Elective Lower Segment Caesarean Section, and the placenta was left 'in-situ' . In such a case, Methotrexate adjuvant therapy should be used for expectant management.


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7. Q3 Cord prolapse

What is the treatment of cord prolapse in active labor?


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8. Q4 Anti D

An Rh Negative, previously unsensitized woman presents at 30 weeks gestation with loss of fetal movement. Her husband is Rh positive. Ultrasound confirms intrauterine fetal demise. She is overwhelmed and is not able to decide when she wants labor to be induced.
When should anti D be administered to her?

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9. Q2 VBAC

Risk of uterine rupture in VBAC with previous 1 LSCS

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10. Q7 Anti D

A Dose of 500 IU Anti D is sufficient to cover how much Fetomaternal Haemorrhage?

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11. Q6 VBAC


Of the following, which is the single best predictor of successful VBAC?

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12. Q7 VBAC  - A 28 years old Gravida 2 para 1, at 35 weeks gestation is thinking of VBAC. You ask her the reason of her last Ceasarean Section. Which of the following indications for previous caesarean section is associated with the highest chance of successful VBAC?

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13. Q1 Placenta praevia-

Select the factors that increase the risk of placenta praevia-

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14. Q7 GBS
A G2P1L1  woman had GBS Colonisation in her previous pregnancy, but her baby did not develop GBS Infection.
What is the likelihood of her having GBS colonization in this pregnancy?

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15. q14 What is the dose of benzylpenicillin used for GBS prophylaxis in laboring women who are GBS carriers?

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