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Preterm Prelabor Rupture of Membranes


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A woman presents at 32 weeks gestation with history of fluid discharge from vagina.  Clinical examination confirms PPROM. She receives injection betamethasone, and stays afebrile throughout her hospital stay. Ultrasound findings are as follows- 1. Single , live intrauterine fetus in cephalic presentation. Placenta fundal. Amniotic fluid index is 13. 
How frequently should she be followed up after discharge?

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A woman presents at 25 weeks gestation with history of fluid discharge from vagina.  Clinical examination confirms PPROM. She receives injection betamethasone, and stays afebrile throughout her hospital stay. Ultrasound findings are as follows- 2. Single , live intrauterine fetus in breech presentation. Placenta fundal. There is gross oligohydramnios. 
How frequently should she be followed up after discharge?

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