Today’s Quiz 11/12/2021

A 28 years old Gravida 2 para 1, at 35 weeks gestation is thinking of VBAC. You ask her the reason of her last Ceasarean Section. Which of the following indications for previous caesarean section is associated with the highest chance of successful VBAC ?
A. Fetal malpresentation
B. Labor dystocia ( Non progress of labor)
C. Failed instrumental delivery
D. Fetal distress

Created by megha mishraobgninja


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1. Q7 VBAC  - A 28 years old Gravida 2 para 1, at 35 weeks gestation is thinking of VBAC. You ask her the reason of her last Ceasarean Section. Which of the following indications for previous caesarean section is associated with the highest chance of successful VBAC?

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2. Q8 VBAC

What are the precautions/ steps to be taken during the labor of a woman with previous 1 LSCS? ( Select all that apply)

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