Today’s Quiz 01/01/2022

So this is the first question of 2022! May you all have a wonderful year full of joy and health.

Created by obgresourceobgresource

z7 VTE- Acute Management

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1. Q9 VTE-Acute Management

A 38 years old lady presents to the emergency with palpitations and tachycardia . She is suspected to have Pulmonary Embolism. On examination, there are no symptoms and signs of DVT. Which investigations should be considered in this patient ? ( Click on all that apply)

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2. Q8 VTE-Acute Management


A 38 years old lady presents to the emergency with palpitations and tachycardia . She is suspected to have Pulmonary Embolism. On examination, there is swelling of the left calf muscle and a DVT is suspected. Which investigation should be done first in this patient ?



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