The New NICE Guidance on antenatal Care

The NICE Guideline on Antenatal Care has been updated. Here are some salient points.

Booking- If a woman books late in pregnancy, ask about the reasons for the late booking because it may reveal social, psychological or medical issues that need to be addressed.Offer additional or longer antenatal appointments if needed, depending on the woman’s medical, social and emotional needs. Inform the woman that she is welcome to bring a partner to antenatal appointments and classes.

If the woman or her partner smokes or has stopped smoking within the past 2 weeks, offer a referral to NHS Stop Smoking Services

Inform the woman that she can accept or decline any part of any of the screening programs offered.

Refer women over 20+0 weeks with a first episode of hypertension (blood pressure of 140/90 mmHg or higher) to secondary care to be seen within 24 hours.

If there are concerns that the symphysis fundal height is large for gestational age, consider an ultrasound scan for fetal growth and wellbeing.
If there are concerns that the symphysis fundal height is small for gestational age, offer an ultrasound scan for fetal growth and wellbeing ( Urgency of USG depending on Clinical or other findings)

Do not routinely offer ultrasound scans after 28 weeks for uncomplicated
singleton pregnancies

There is a section on ‘Sleep Position- Advise women to avoid going to sleep on their back after 28 weeks of pregnancy and to consider using pillows, for example, to maintain their position while sleeping.
Explain to the woman that there may be a link between going to sleep on her back and stillbirth in late pregnancy (after 28 weeks).

The full guidance can be accessed on the NICE website.

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