Headache in Pregnancy

Headache is a common source of trouble -to the pregnant women and the Obstetrician alike.

There is a very informative article in The Obstetrician and Gynecologist.

So basically , evaluation of a woman presenting with headache in pregnancy should focus on ruling out the sinister causes of headache. ( ‘Red flags’)

The History should include-

  1. Duration, location, frequency, severity, of the pain.

2. Associated symptoms( throbbing, any weakness, vomiting, diplopia, visual loss, scotomata

3. Family history

4. Past obstetric history

5. Aggravating or relieving factors.

6. If delivered- ask if she received any pain relief , if LSCS- type of anesthesia.

The ‘ Red Flag‘ signs are-

  1. Rapid time to peak (within seconds to 5 min)- Thunderclap headache

2. Change with posture.

3. Change in frequency or associated symptoms.

4. Severe pain

5. Neurological symptoms

6. Fever or Neck Stiffness

7. Jaw claudication/ visual disturbance.

8. New onset headache in HIV patient or cancer patient.

Involving a Neurologist in the evaluation is important in the detection and treatment of serious causes of Headache.

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