Chronic Hypertension in Pregnancy

Chronic Hypertension in Pregnancy 

( From NICE Guidance Hypertension in pregnancy: Diagnosis and management 2019) 


Advice on rest, exercise and weight management- the advice is the same as for healthy pregnant women. Advice on lowering salt in diet.*

Advice for women taking ACE and ARB – There is an increased risk of congenital abnormalities  if these drugs are taken during pregnancy. These drugs should be stopped within  2 days of notification of pregnancy. 

Advice for women taking Thiazide and thiazide like diuretics- there may be an increased risk of  congenital abnormalities and neonatal complications. 

Alternatives drugs should be discussed. If she is taking ACE /ARB For other conditions (renal disease) , discuss alternative treatment. 

Women taking antihypertensives other than ACE, ARB, Thiazide and thiazide like diuretics-  the limited evidence available has not shown an increased risk of congenital malformation with such treatments.

If a woman with chronic hypertension is not on antihypertensive, start her on antihypertensive if sustained SBP is >= 140 OR Sustained DBP > = 90 mm Hg. 

If on antihypertensives, aim for target BP 135/85. 

If her current antihypertensive is safe in pregnancy- Continue the same treatment unless SBP is < 110 mmHg or DBP is < 70 mmHG, or she has symptomatic hypotension. 

  1. Triage PlGF Test (Quidel)- threshold of 100 pg/ml.
  2. Elecsys Immunoassay sFlt-1/PlGF ratio- at  threshold of ≤38.
  • Do not offer planned early delivery before 37 weeks, unless there is any medical complication
  • After 37 weeks- Timing of birth and indication of birth ( Both maternal and fetal) to be agreed between mother and senior Obstetrician. 
  • If planned early birth is necessary, Consider Corticosteroids for fetal lung maturity and Magnesium Sulphate for neuroprotection( As per NICE Guidance on Preterm Birth)
  • CTG to be done only if indicated.

 POSTNATAL CARE– BP Monitoring- Daily for the first 2 days→ at leat once between day 3 and 5 → also as clinically indicated ( e.g when medication is changed) .

Counseling for women on antihypertensive-

Choice of antihypertensive- 

  • avoid using diuretics or angiotensin receptor blockers[5] to treat hypertension in women in the postnatal period who are breastfeeding
  • When possible, try to use medicines which are needed once daily. 
  • OFFER Enalapril to treat hypertension in postpartum women- with monitoring of maternal renal function and maternal serum potassium. 
  • For women of African or Caribbean family origin with hypertension during the postnatal period, consider Nifedipine, Or Amlodipine ( if she has used amlodipine before to control her BP) 
  • If BP is not controlled with single medicine- 
  • 1. Consider a combination of Nifedipine and Enalapril , or Amlodipine and Enalapril → if it doesn’t work→ Consider adding Atenolol or Labetalol  to this combination  OR Swapping one of the medicines being used for Atenolol or labetalol
  • Avoid using diuretics or angiotensin receptor blockers
  • If she is not lactating and not planning to breastfeed– > treat according to NICE guideline on hypertension in adults. 

MONITORING OF THE BABY– ( antihypertensive agents have the potential to transfer into breast milk) 

  • consider monitoring the blood pressure of babies, especially those born preterm, who have symptoms of low blood pressure for the first few weeks
  • – when discharged home, advise women to monitor their babies for drowsiness, lethargy, pallor, cold peripheries or poor feeding


About 1.7 times increased risk of major cardiovascular event. 

About 1.8 times increased risk of stroke. 

* Salt restriction to prevent ‘gestational hypertension’ or’ pre-eclampsia ‘ is not recommended. 

Contraception ( UKMEC) 


Adequately controlled Hypertension– all are UKMEC category 1 , except DMPA ( Cat 2 )  and CHC ( Cat 3) 

Consistently elevated BP- Systolic 150 to 159, Diastolic 90 to 99→ All are Cat 1 except CHC ( Cat 3) 

Consistently elevated BP – Systolic >= 160, Diastolic >= 100→ all are cat 1 except DMPA ( cat 2 ) and CHC ( cat 4 ) 

Hypertension with vascular disease – Only Cu IUD is Cat 1 . LNG IUS , POP and IMP are cat 2 , DMPA is Cat 3, CHC is Cat 4 . 

Click the link to read the UKMEC summary table. 


Click here to read the summary on gestational hypertension

Recap- Chronic Hypertension in Pregnancy

  1. Pre- conception- Stop ACE, ARB, Thiazide, Thiazide like diuretics
  2. Threshold to start antihypertensive- 140/90
  3. Target BP – 135/85
  4. Stop treatment if 110/70 or symptomatic hypotension. 
  5. Choice of antihypertensive- Labetalol→ Nifedipine→ methyldopa
  6. Placental Growth Factor Testing to diagnose Pre-Eclampsia
  7. Postnatal- stop methyldopa. Choice of antihypertensive→ Enalapril and /or Nifedipine. BP Daily for 2 days, at least once between day 3 &5 . 
  8. Baby may need monitoring. 
  9. Postnatal follow up- 2 weeks, 6 weeks. 
  10. Contraception- Refer to UKMEC
  11. Implications for future health. 

Read about Gestational Hypertension

Read the Summary on Pre-Eclampsia

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