Hello !!!

Greetings !! It’s been some time since we last spoke. We want to apologize for the absence of daily quizzes on Obgresource. However, we’re happy to let you know that we’re back with even more challenging brainteasers. Keep an eye out for them!This week’s topic […]

Next Week’s Topic-

Anti D immunoglobulin for prevention of Heamolytic Disease of Fetus and Newborn. The link to the guideline is – HERE

Next Week’s Topic- VTE Prevention

Next Week’s Topic is VTE Prevention- The Link to the Greentop Guideline 37 a is HERE

This Week’s Topic

After a long gap , we are back with the daily Quiz- This week’s Topic is – Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. The link to the BASSH Guideline is – HERE

post sample

Today’s Quiz 2/7/22

Today’s Quiz

Next Week’s Topic

Next week, we are going to ask questions on two of the most causes of vaginal discharge- Vulvovaginal Candidiasis and Bacterial Vaginosis. CLICK HERE TO READ THE BASHH GUIDELINE ON VVC- https://www.bashhguidelines.org/current-guidelines/vaginal-discharge/vulvovaginal-candidiasis-2019/ CLICK HERE TO READ THE BASHH GUIDELINE ON BV– https://www.bashhguidelines.org/current-guidelines/vaginal-discharge/bacterial-vaginosis-2012/

Today’s Quiz 4/6/22

Today’s Quiz 21/5/22