This Week’s Topic- Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy

In August 2022, the RCOG released a newer Guideline on ICP. This week, our questions will be based on that guideline. The link to the guideline is

This Week’s Topic- Maternal Collapse.

This week, we will post questions on Maternal Collapse. The link to the RCOG Guideline is – The Link to the obgresource Summary on Maternal Collapse is-

Next Week’s Topic- Red Cell Antibodies in Pregnancy

Next Week, we are going to post questions on Red Cell Antibodies in Pregnancy- Click Here to Read the Guideline–

Today’s Quiz 5/8/22

Today’s Quiz

A woman at 11 weeks gestation presents with Hyperemesis Gravidarum. Which intravenous fluid should be the started at first ?
A. Lactated Ringer

B. Sodium Chloride 0.9% with Potassium

C. Dextrose 5%

Next Week’s Topic- NVP

Next Week, we will revise the Green Top Guideline on Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy. CLICK HERE TO READ THE GUIDELINE

World Hepatitis Day 28 July

Today’s Quiz

Today’s Quiz 26/7/22

Today’s Quiz 25/7/22