Next Week’s Topic

Next Week’s Quiz Questions will be on Placenta Praevia and Placenta Accreta. The relevant RCOG Guideline can be downloaded HERE

Today’s Quiz 30/12/2021

Unfractionated heparin put the patient at risk of Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia. What is the frequency and duration of checking of platelet count in a patient who is receiving unfractionated heparin?

Today’s Quiz 29/12/2021

Today’s Quiz 28/12/2021

A woman is diagnosed with calf vein DVT during pregnancy at 26 weeks pregnancy. How long should she receive treatment with LMWH?A. Toll 36 weeks B. Throughout pregnancy and should continue at least till 6 weeks postpartum.C. For 3 months from the start of treatmentD. […]

Today’s Quiz 27/12/2021

What is the recommendation regarding commencing treatment with LMWH (Low Molecular Weight Heparin) in a Pregnant lady presenting with Suspected DVT or Pulmonary Embolism?A. Treatment should be commenced in Suspected PE, But not in suspected DVT before confirmation.B. In both the conditions, Treatment should be […]

Today’s Quiz 26/12/2021

A 32 years old , who has delivered 3 days ago is admitted with tachycardia and breathlessness. On examination- There is painful edema of the left calf muscle. Check all the investigations you would want to do –

Next Week’s Topic

Next week’s quiz questions will be on Thromboembolic Disease inPregnancy and the Puerperium: Acute Management. the download link to the Green Top Guideline is HERE

Today’s Quiz 25/12/2021

Select the contraindications/Cautions to use of Low molecular weight heparin- A. Platelet count < 75 × 10^9/l B. Platelet count < 50 × 10^9/l C. Acute haemorrhagic stroke in previous 4 weeks D. Acute ischaemic stroke in previous 4 weeks E. Severe Renal disease F. […]

Today’s Quiz

For how long after spinal anesthesia LMWH ( Low Molecular Weight Heparin) should be avoided ? ( Provided, of course ,  that there is no ongoing bleeding)  A. 4 hours B. 6 hours C. 8 hours D. 12 hours

Today’s Quiz 23/12/2021

For women who are on lifelong oral anticoagulation, when should LMWH be converted back to warfarin in the postpartum period ? ( Provided, of course , that there is no ongoing risk of haemorrhage) A. 72 hours postpartumB. 5-7 days postpartumC. 10 days postpartumD. 6 […]