Next Week’s Topic- Urinary Incontinence

Next week’s quiz questions will be on Urinary Incontinence- The link to the NICE Guidance on Urinary Incontinence and Pelvic Organ Prolapse in women is – CLICK HEREBecause this is a long guideline, I intend to post questions only on Urinary Incontinence next week. Pelvic […]

Today’s Quiz

Today’s Quiz 7/1/2022

Today’s Quiz 6/01/2022

Today’s Quiz 05/01/2021- Your daily dose of Ob Gyn served fresh…

Today’s Quiz 4/01/2021

Today’s Quiz 3/1/2022

A woman presents at 18 weeks pregnancy for ultrasound scan.  On ultrasound, the placenta is 1 cm from internal os. What is the diagnosis? A. Placenta praevia B. Low lying placenta C. Placenta previa type 2 D. Diagnosis will be decided at 28 week ultrasound […]

Today’s Quiz 2/1/2022

Placenta Praevia- Fact sheet

Today’s Quiz 01/01/2022

So this is the first question of 2022! May you all have a wonderful year full of joy and health.