Next Week’s Topic

Next Week’s topis is Placenta Praevia and Placenta Accreta- The link to the RCOG Guideline is HERE

Lessons from MBRRACE

I am reading the 2020 MBBRACE report and think that many of us will benefit from bite sized learnings. MBBRACE is the report of confidential inquiries into maternal deaths in UK. The lessons learnt are may help in reducing maternal mortality and morbidity. The report […]

Next Week’s Topic – Perinatal Mental Health

The links to the relevant guidelines are – NICE Guideline cg192 RCOG Good Practice Paper

Next Week’s Topic-

Anti D immunoglobulin for prevention of Heamolytic Disease of Fetus and Newborn. The link to the guideline is – HERE

Next Week’s Topic- Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy and Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Next Week’s Topic- Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy-The link to the Guideline is –HERE

Next Week’s Topic- Chickenpox ( Varicella Zoster) in Pregnancy

The link to the RCOG Guideline is – HERE

Next Week’s Topic- Multiple Pregnancy

Next Week, we are going to post questions on Twin and Triplet Pregnancy. The link to the NICE guidance is HERE

Next Week’s Topic-

Cystic Fibrosis in Pregnancy. The main resource is a TOG article ( which , unfortunately is not free access). The link is HERE

Next Week’s Topic

This week, we will post questions on Post Partum Haemorrhage.The link to the RCOG guideline is HERE

Next Week’s Topic

Next Week’s Topic is Anti D in Pregnancy – The link to the British Society for Heamatology is – HERE