Today’s Quiz 21/6/22

Today’s Quiz 20/6/22

Today’s Quiz

Next Week’s Topic- Beta Thalassemia in Pregnancy

Next week, we are going to post questions on Beta Thalassemia in Pregnancy. Here is the link to the RCOG Guideline – LINK TO GUIDELINE GET THE QUIZ QUESTIONS DELIVERED TO YOU BY WHATSAPP OR TELEGRAM-

Today’s Quiz 13/6/22

Next Week’s Topic

Next week, we are going to ask questions on two of the most causes of vaginal discharge- Vulvovaginal Candidiasis and Bacterial Vaginosis. CLICK HERE TO READ THE BASHH GUIDELINE ON VVC- CLICK HERE TO READ THE BASHH GUIDELINE ON BV–

Today’s Quiz

Today’s Quiz 10/6/22

Today’s Quiz 9/6/22