Today’s Quiz 3/2/22

Today’s Quiz 2/2/22

Today’s Quiz 1/2/22

Today’s Quiz 31/1/22

When should screening for Group B Streptoccus be done in pregnant women with twin pregnancy?

Today’s Quiz 30/1/22

About what proportion of pregnant women are colonized with Group B Streptococcus?

Next week’s Topic

Next week’s Quiz Questions will be on Early onset Group B Streptococcus Disease The relevant RCOG guideline can be found here- CLICK HERE

Today’s Quiz 29/1/22

Written consent is essential for Emergency Caesarean section done for Cord Prolapse.A. TrueB. False

Today’s Quiz 28/1/22

What is the treatment of cord prolapse in active labor?

Today’s Quiz 27/1/22

Routine ultrasound screening is useful in detecting cord presentation, and therefore in prevention of cord prolapse. A. TrueB. False

Today’s Quiz 26/1/22

Cord presentation is when the cord is present below the fetal presenting part , has not passed through the cervix, and the membranes have ruptured –A. TrueB. False