Today’s Quiz 11/4/22

Warning- This is a long question with an equally long answer ?

Today’s Quiz 10/4/22

Next Week’s Topic

Next Week’s Quiz Questions will be on Obstetric CholestasisLinks for the relevant study material- Click here to go to the RCOG Guideline. Click here for the TOG article

Today’s Quiz

Epilepsy in Pregnancy

Today’s Quiz 7/4/22

Today’s Quiz 6/4/22

Today’s Quiz 5/4/22

Today’s Quiz 3/4/22

A woman with epilepsy (WWE) on polytherapy is planning to get pregnant. If you had the option of stopping ONE of her medicines, which of the following medicines would you like to stop?

A. Lamotrigine

B. Sodium Valproate

C. Carbamazepine

D. Topiramate

Next Week’s Topic-

Next Week’s Questions will be on Epilepsy in Pregnancy- CLICK HERE TO READ THE RCOG GUIDELINE Tell us what topics you would like to read in the next few weeks in the comments.