Today’s Quiz

You are performing an abdominal myomectomy for a para 3 for fibroid uterus. After opening the abdomen, you find that there is a tubal ectopic pregnancy . The staff nurse tells you that the patient’s urine pregnancy test is positive and by mistake, this fact […]

Retained Placenta

Retained placenta- Excerpts from the NICE Guidance on Intrapartum Care

Unexpected Pregnancy During Hysterectomy- Today’s Quiz

An abdominal hysterectomy is being performed for a 39 years old para 3 for stage II a cervical cancer . After opening the abdomen, you find that the uterus seems to be enlarged than expected. The staff nurse tells you that the patient’s urine pregnancy […]

Today’s Quiz 28/10/2021

What is the risk of Bladder and /or ureter injury in Vaginal Hysterectomy for Prolapse

Today’s Quiz 27/10/2021

A patient with transverse lie at 38 weeks pregnancy is seen in the clinic. She does not speak English. Her relative comes to help in translation and informs you that the patient does not agree for Caesarean section. Which of the following is true( In […]

Today’s Quiz 26/11/2021

What is the risk of Retained placental or fetal tissue in surgical Management of Miscarriage ?

Today’s Quiz 25/10/2021

What is a ‘Valid’ Consent ?

Today’s Quiz 24/10/2021

What is the risk of Bladder and /or ureter injury in Abdominal Hysterectomy

Next Week’s Topic

Next week’s Quiz Questions will be on ‘Consent ‘ Links to the relevant resources- Obtaining Valid Consent( RCOG Clinical Governance Advice No 6) RCOG Procedure Specific Consent Advice

Today’s Quiz 23/10/2021

In what percentage of stillbirth is a cause not found even after all usual investigations? 10% 25% 50% 75%