Today’s Quiz 08/11/2021

Check all that apply to physiological Management of Third Stage of labor- A. . It is associated with nausea and vomiting in about 50 in 1,000 women B. It is associated with an approximate risk of 29 in 1,000 of a haemorrhage of more than […]

Today’s Quiz 7/11/2021

What is the definition of ‘Moderate Postpartum Haemorrhage’ ?

Today’s Quiz 5/11/2021

How frequently should Anti D titres be measured in an alloimmunized woman ? A. Every 4 weeks till 28 weeks, then every week till 36 weeks B. Every 4 weeks till 28 weeks, then every 2 weeks till delivery C. Every 4 weeks till 32 […]

Today’s Quiz

Red Cell Antibodies in Pregnancy

Red Cell Antibodies in Pregnancy

Today’s Quiz 2/11/2021

A pregnant lady at 10 weeks pregnancy is found to have Anti D Red cell antibodies. She has separated from her partner and his blood group cannot be found out. What other test can be offered earliest to her to check if the fetus is […]

Today’s Quiz 1/11/2021


Select the Antibodies that are associated with the highest risk of significant fetal anemia( Check all that apply)

Anti c Anti C Anti d Anti D Anti e Anti E Anti k Anti K

Today’s Quiz

What is the recommended frequency of testing for Blood Group and Red Cell antibodies(Type and Screen) in Pregnancy ? A. Booking visit or first encounter in pregnancy B. Booking, 20 weeks, 32 weeks C. Booking and 28 weeks D. Booking and 32 weeks

Next Week’s Topic 31/10/2021

Next week’s Quiz Questions will be on – The Management of Women with RedCell Antibodies during Pregnancy Link to the Relevant RCOG Guideline-