Next Week’s Topic -Breast Cancer in Pregnancy

Next Week’s Quiz Questions will be from the Green top Guideline ‘Pregnancy and Breast Cancer’. For the link to the guideline – Click Here

Today’s Quiz 20/11/2021

Today’s Quiz 19/11/2021

Instrumental delivery associated with highest risk for obstetric anal sphincter injury A. Forceps delivery without episiotomy B. Forceps delivery with episiotomy C. Ventouse delivery without episiotomy D. Ventouse delivery with episiotomy

Today’s Quiz 18/11/2021

What is the role of ‘warm compresses’ on the perineum in the second stage of labor for the prevention of Third and Fourth degree perineal tears ?

Today’s Quiz 17/11/2021

Which Suture technique is used to repair the anal mucosa in Fourth degree perineal tear?

Today’s Quiz

Which suture is recommended for repair of anorectal mucosa in a fourth degree perineal tear?

Next Week’s Topic- OASIS

Hi . Next week’s quiz questions will be from the RCOG Guideline Third- and Fourth-degree Perineal Tears, Management (Green-top Guideline No. 29). The link to the guideline is given –

Today’s Quiz

According to the RCOG, at what amount of PPH and ongoing haemorrhage should a  Consultant Obstetrician attend a case of PPH? Any PPH Any ongoing PPH 1000 mL or more Any ongoing PPH 1500 mL or more Any ongoing PPH 2000 mL or more

Today’s Quiz 10/11/2021

What is the definition of Prolonged Third Stage of Labor ? 1.Duration more than 60 minutes 2. Duration more than 30 minutes 3. Duration more than 30 minutes if active management is being done 4. Duration more than 60 minutes if physiological management is being […]

Today’s Quiz 9/11/2021

Which Pharmacological agent is recommended by NICE in Active Management of Third Stage of Labor ? A. Oxytocin 10 IU intramuscular B. Oxytocin 5 IU Intravenous C. Ergometrine 0.5 mg intramuscular D. Syntometrine ( Oxytocin+ Ergometrine)