Today’s Quiz 29/11/2021

Which of the following is a prodrug? A. MorphineB. CodeineC. Di hydro codeine

Today’s Quiz 28/11/2021

The FDA recommend avoiding the use of NSAIDs after how many weeks of gestation?
A. 12
B. 18
C. 30
D. 34

Next Week’s Topic

Next Week’s Quiz Questions will be on ‘Antenatal and Postnatal Analgesia’ Link to the Scientific Impact Paper No 59 from RCOG- There is a TOG article also on the subject- Alleemudder DI, Kuponiyi Y, Kuponiyi C, McGlennan A, Fountain S, Kasivisvanathan R. Analgesia for […]

Today’s Quiz 27/11/2021

A woman who is on Tamoxifen for the last 4.5 years is planning to conceive. How long should she wait after tamoxifen to try to conceive?

A. Can conceive immediately

B. 2-3 months

C. 6 months

D. 2 years

Today’s Quiz 26/11/21

Of the following, which is the recommended method of contraception in women with Breast Cancer?A.Progesterone only Pills/ ImplantB. Combined hormonal ContraceptionC. Copper IUCDD. LNG IUD

Today’s Quiz 25/11/21

What is the recommendation regarding the time interval between chemotherapy and delivery? The chemotherapy should preferably be less than 2-3 weeks before delievry. Chemotherapy should preferably be more than 2-3 weeks before delivery Chemotherapy should not be given in third trimester

Today’s Quiz 24/11/2021

Of the following chemotherapeutic agents the ones which can be used during pregnancy are- Taxanes Anthracyclines Tamoxifen Trastuzumab Hematopoetic growth factor ( G-CSF)

Today’s Quiz 23/11/2021

What is the recommendation regarding ‘Systemic Chemotherapy ‘ in breast cancer?

Today’s Quiz 22/11/2021

How should women presenting with a breast lump during pregnancy be managed?

A. Referral to Breast Specialist

B. Ultrasound Breast

C. Fine Needle aspiration Cytology

D. Mammography should be done for initial evaluation o

Today’s Quiz 21/11/2021