Today’s Quiz 15/12/2021

In ongoing major PPH, what is the minimum level above which Fibrinogen concentration should be maintained?A. 1 gram/LB. 2 gram/LC. 3 gram/LD. 4 gram/L

Today’s Quiz 14/12/2021

According to RCOG, in case of major PPH, what is the criteria for initiating transfusion of red blood cells?A. Ongoing bleeding and Hemoglobin of 7 gram/dLB. Any Hemoglobin of 8 gram/dL or lessC. Transfusion of red blood cells should not be initiated until blood loss […]

Today’s Quiz 13/12/2021

What is the recommendation for fluid therapy ( Crystalloid and colloid) in management of major PPH?

A. Up to 2 liter isotonic crystalloid and Up to 1.5 liter colloid until blood arrives.

B.Up to 2 liter isotonic crystalloid and Up to 2 liter colloid until blood arrives.

C. Up to 1 liter fast isotonic crystalloid and Up to 1 liter colloid until blood arrives.

D. Up to 1 liter isotonic crystalloid and Up to 500mL colloid.

Today’s Quiz- 12/12/2021

Treatment of antenatal anemia may reduce the morbidity associated with PPH. What is the normal UK Range for Haemoglobin in pregnancy  ? A. 11 g/ 100 ml at first contact and 10.5 g/100 ml at 28 weeks.B. 12 g/ 100 ml at first contact and […]

Next Week’s Topic – PPH

Next Week’s Quiz Questions will be on Postpartum Haemorrhage. Here is the link to the RCOG guideline –

Intrapartum Care in VBAC

Intrapartum care in VBAC-

Today’s Quiz 11/12/2021

A 28 years old Gravida 2 para 1, at 35 weeks gestation is thinking of VBAC. You ask her the reason of her last Ceasarean Section. Which of the following indications for previous caesarean section is associated with the highest chance of successful VBAC ?A. […]

Intrapartum Care in VBAC.

Click on each tab to read more-

Today’s Quiz 10/12/2021

Of the following, which is the single best predictor of successful VBAC?A. Preterm laborB. Previous caesarean for fetal distressC. Previous VBACD. Previous vaginal delivery

Today’s Quiz 9/12/2021

What is the rate of instrumental delivery in VBAC?A. 10%B. 20%C. 30%D. 40%