Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy, Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Summary of the Green Top Guideline on Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy and Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

Author- Dr. Ria Malik ( MD, DNB) ( For clarity, the guideline summary has been divided into two parts 1. Pregnancy with Pre-existing Diabetes and 2. Gestational Diabetes  To Read about Pre-existing Diabetes in Pregnancy- Click here The NICE recommends testing for GDM for only […]

Cystic Fibrosis

Epicollect 5

A log book is a documentary list of surgical and non surgical procedures. Many hospitals which use Electronic Medical Records have a system to extract the number of cases a doctor has done. The list is helpful in showcasing your skills and is an essential […]

Obstetric Cholestasis

Obstetric Cholestasis – Summary of GTG 43 + Excerpts from the related TOG article Diagnosis of Obstetric Cholestasis /Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy ( OC/ICP) – According to the RCOG Guideline- OC is diagnosed when there is Otherwise unexplained pruritus in pregnancy and abnormal liver function […]

Postpartum Mood Disorders

Postpartum Mood Disorders can be divided into 3 categories- 1. Baby blues 2. Postnatal depression 3. Postpartum (or puerperal) psychosis Baby blues– affects 30 to 80% of women . Time period – usually day 3 to 10 after delivery. Usually peaks at day 5 . […]

Antenatal and Postnatal Mental Health

Antenatal and Postnatal Mental Health Between 2010 and 2012, 16 women (0.67 per 100 000) were reported as dying from a psychiatric cause. In UK, suicide affects about 1 pregnancy in 100 000- It is a leading cause of maternal death. Risk Assessment- At the […]

Gestational Hypertension

( From Hypertension in pregnancy: diagnosis and management NICE guideline, 2019) a full assessment should be carried out in a secondary care setting by a trained healthcare professional. Antihypertensive of choice- As for chronic Hypertension. Timing of delivery- as for chronic hypertension. Postpartum care- As […]

PRECOG Guideline

PRECOG GUIDELINE recommendations This guideline has been made to guide what action should be taken if a pregnant woman presents with New onset Hypertension , Proteinuria or Symptoms.   NEW ONSET HYPERTENSION WITHOUT PROTEINURIA DBP 90 or more, but less than 100, No symptoms Hospital Step […]

Skin Conditions in Pregnancy

Skin Conditions in Pregnancy – Medical Conditions in Pregnancy Due to the immune changes during pregnancy, a woman’s susceptibility to some skin conditions increases during pregnancy. The hormonal and physiological changes in pregnancy also lead to skin changes( like melasma, acne,changes in nails and hair) […]